Manufacturing Kitchen Cabinets and Bathroom Vanities | Entreprise LRB

Manufacturing Kitchen Cabinets and Bathroom Vanities

Entreprise LRB · Manufacturing Kitchen Cabinets and Bathroom VanitiesManufactured right on site in our woodworking shop

In addition to our disaster construction and renovation services, Entreprise LRB also specializes in manufacturing kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities. Manufactured right on site in our woodworking shop, cabinets from Entreprise LRB are available in a wide range of materials. Wood, melamine, polyester, thermoplastic, Excelsius and more are all available, and in the colour you want.

Entreprise LRB consultants have numerous models to offer you, depending on your preferences, needs and budget. When you purchase cabinets from LRB, you get custom service and access to all the latest trends. We also install the new cabinets.

Visit our showroom to view a selection of the cabinets we manufacture. Our experts will be pleased to discuss your ideas and apply their expertise to your requirements.

Entreprise LRB accommodates all your needs.